Bukit Golf Riverside II Block B01 No 46
Gunungputri, Bogor, West Java 16963
ph: +62 21 84303098
INDONESIA HYDRO™ CONSULT has expertise in the field of hydro engineering nationwide. Our experience and resources enable innovative development to assemble project teams quickly, based on the technical requirements of each project.
The following list shows the projects and sites have been and being undertaken, not including preliminary assessment of more than 500 sites, and projects under permitting process.
Click the map below to view our project sites.
Hydro projects are considered as having high risks in costs and revenues since they highly dependent on water resources availability and site specific structures. Comprehensive planning, engineering, procurement, construction and operation as well as skilled and experienced personnel are highly required to minimize the risks. Failures in employing each of them may cause whole project failures.
Cost effectiveness and risk are key points of a success developer, achieving them requires comprehensive, efficient and optimized planning, surveys, investigations, analysis, design, project management and project supervision.
We have experience gained from every step of the projects undertaken that made us capable to offer comprehensive consultancy services emerging in efficient and cost-effective solutions for your business needs.
Thank you to these companies and institutions for their appreciations.
Bukit Golf Riverside II Block B01 No 46
Gunungputri, Bogor, West Java 16963
ph: +62 21 84303098