Bukit Golf Riverside II Block B01 No 46
Gunungputri, Bogor, West Java 16963
ph: +62 21 84303098
Senior Hydropower/Dam/Hydraulic Engineer
Mr R Dhani Irwanto is a Senior Civil Engineer specializing in the hydropower, dam and hydraulic structures fields. He has 29-year professional engineering experience as civil engineer for hydropower plant, combined cycle power plant (CCPP), multipurpose dams (for irrigation and hydropowers) and other hydraulic structures. He is experienced in engineering of HPP projects in Indonesia such as Kotaagung (Bengkulu), Poso-1, -2, and -3 (Central Sulawesi), Malea (South Sulawesi), Tamboli (Southeast Sulawesi), Wampu (North Sumatera), Lebong (Bengkulu), Jamboaye (Aceh), Kusan-3 (South Kalimantan), Merangin-2 (Jambi), Rajamandala (West Java), Kelai-2 (East Kalimantan), Ketaun-1 (Bengkulu), Besai (Lampung), Plumbungan (Central Java) and more than 120 small scale hydropower plants in Java, Sumatera and Sulawesi, and CCPP such as Cilegon (Banten), Grati (East Java), Muaratawar (West Java) and Gresik (East Java).
He is also experienced in engineering of multipurpose dam projects in Indonesia such as Jamboaye (Aceh), Keuliling (Aceh), Ciawi (West Java), Jatigede (West Java), Bajulmati (East Java), Paselloreng (South Sulawesi), Bintan (Riau), Batubulan (Sumbawa) and Pelaparado (Sumbawa).
He is trained on hydropower and dam engineering, and investment appraisal on infrastructure projects.
He is an engineering software developer for OptPower (layout and size optimisations for hydropower plants), EvaPower (hydropower plant evaluation), ResReg (reservoir regulation simulation), RetainWall (retaining wall engineering design) and LeanWall (leaning wall engineering design).
He is one of the founders and directors of PT Indonesia Hydro Consult.
Papers Written
Indonesian Leader Award by Kharisma 7 Media - one of the awards given to prominent company leaders in Indonesia.
Indonesia Leaders Development Award 2014, Category The Prominent Figure in The Entrepreneurship of The Year 2014 by Global Development Foundation
The 2014 Indonesian Leadership Award, Category The 50 Best Leaders Companies by Kharisma 7 Media and Clock Research & Development Center
Indonesia Corporate Innovative Award 2015, Category The Most Trusted Company in Consultant 2015 by Indonesia Achievement Development Foundation
Inspiring People Award 2015, Category The Best Smart and Innovator Entrepreneur of the Year by Kharisma 7 Media and Clock Research & Development Center
Indonesian Improvement Award 2016, Category The Best Reliable Hydro Engineering Consultant Services of the Year by Sembilan Bersama Media
Best of 2016 Indonesia Business Quality Award, Category The Most Improvement Company in Consulting of the Year 2016 by Indonesia Development Achievement Foundation
Indonesian Ministers Awards of Exellence 2016, Category The Best Innovative Figures of the Year 2016 by Kharisma 7 Media and Clock Research & Development Center
Nation's Brightest Award 2017, CEO of the Year 2017, "Corporate Consultant"
Bukit Golf Riverside II Block B01 No 46
Gunungputri, Bogor, West Java 16963
ph: +62 21 84303098